¡Bienvenido al sitio web de Horizon Embarazo Clínica! La siguiente información se proporciona para informarle que respetamos su privacidad al interactuar con este sitio web. Horizon Pregnant Clinic nunca alquilará, venderá ni arrendará su información confidencial. Sin embargo, razones legales podrían requerir compartir dicha información. Nos esforzaremos por garantizar la seguridad de cualquier información que proporcione. Horizon Pregnant Clinic quiere que su experiencia sea segura y placentera.
Horizon Pregnancy Clinic collects certain information from our website users. Horizon Pregnancy Clinic is the sole owner of any and all information collected on horizonpc.org. Horizon Pregnancy Clinic will never rent, sell, or lease your confidential information. However, legal reasons could necessitate the sharing of such information. Horizon Pregnancy Clinic may share such information with affiliates, partners, or contract organizations, or as legally necessary. We will strive to ensure the security of any information you provide. Horizon Pregnancy Clinic will never collect personal information without your knowledge during your visit to our website. Any information that is requested will typically be in direct correlation to the services you are requesting. From time to time, Horizon Pregnancy Clinic may ask for your personal input and suggestions related to your online experience. This information will remain confidential and will allow us to improve and enhance your online user experience. By providing such information, you consent to Horizon Pregnancy Clinic’s use of such information to better serve you and others coming to our website.
To use certain portions of this website, you will be asked to complete a profile information form and provide contact information (such as name, address and email address) and/or financial information (such as credit card information and expiration date). We use this information to provide certain website services, including the facilitation of online donations and resource purchase orders, keeping supporter and donor lists, maintaining statistics, providing you with Horizon Pregnancy Clinic publications, and providing you with other information, education, and services. Financial information will be used solely to process donations and purchases.
A “cookie” is a small piece of data that can be stored by a website onto your computer. Horizon Pregnancy Clinic uses cookies in order to enhance your online user experience, facilitate donations, and facilitate online purchases. Horizon Pregnancy Clinic uses both session cookies and persistent cookies. A persistent cookie is stored on your hard drive for an extended period of time. You can remove persistent cookies by following Internet browser help file directions. Your browser may recognize when a cookie has been sent to your system and will give you an opportunity to allow or refuse it. Horizon Pregnancy Clinic’s website uses cookies for interaction with our online bookstore and the creation and use of personal website accounts. These cookies are used to identify you as a registered user and to allow you to access your site information, subscribe to publications, and submit donations, purchases, and other such transactions. We do not use cookies to track your activities on our website.
Horizon Pregnancy Clinic uses log files. Log files are commonly used by most standard websites. Our log files are used to enhance your website experience, administer the website, and maintain statistics on website use.
If you submit a user registration, Horizon Pregnancy Clinic may occasionally send you information on resources, services, news, and other issues. If you register to receive a Horizon Pregnancy Clinic publication, we will ask for your contact information to send you that publication. We respect your privacy and you may request for any such communication to be discontinued by deactivating your personal information. Please see the “correcting, deleting and deactivating personal information” section.
Horizon Pregnancy Clinic may, at its discretion, use third parties, including credit card processing companies and other businesses, to assist in processing and shipping resource orders and in facilitating online donations. Horizon Pregnancy Clinic may also use third parties to assist in providing website services. Any third party used in this manner does not have the authority to share, sell, rent, lease or use your personal information for any secondary purposes.
From time to time, Horizon Pregnancy Clinic may provide links to other websites. Horizon Pregnancy Clinic is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. You are encouraged to read the privacy policy of such websites prior to providing personal information. These links are not an endorsement of these external websites or the values or opinions expressed therein. Should you visit these external websites, you will then be under the terms of service and privacy policy maintained by the sites/owners.
Horizon Pregnancy Clinic maintains the right to monitor and censor the content of postings within our online affiliate forum and any other forum. Horizon Pregnancy Clinic cannot, however, ensure privacy for any personal information that is disclosed online in such a forum. Any information you provide in such a forum will be publicly accessible and could be collected and used by others. Horizon Pregnancy Clinic strictly prohibits and is not liable for breaches of confidentiality that make take place within its forums. Horizon Pregnancy Clinic will fully accommodate requests from authorities related to the content of illegal postings.
All transactions accomplished through this website are secured using a SSL encryption to protect sensitive data transmissions from your computer to our website. Horizon Pregnancy Clinic also uses password protection to secure personal information. Horizon Pregnancy Clinic may use software to verify your address to avoid session hijacking hacking attempts or other attacks.
You may access, adjust, remove your personal information, or deactivate your user registration or account by contacting Horizon Pregnancy Clinic.
Horizon Pregnancy Clinic maintains the right to adjust or change these Terms and Conditions at any time and asks that you check this policy for updates.
Horizon Pregnant Clinic es una organización sin fines de lucro que es gratuita para todos, independientemente de sus circunstancias financieras. Existimos para brindar información médica precisa y apoyo a personas que enfrentan embarazos no planificados. Para programar una cita, llame al (714) 897-7500, envíe un mensaje de texto al (714) 912-1533 o solicite una cita en línea.
Llame al: (714) 897-7500
Texto: (714) 912-1533
15061 Springdale Street, Suite 109
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
W,F | 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
T, T | 11 a. m. – 7 p. m.
261 E Willow Street, Unidad C
Long Beach, CA 90806
Detrás de Starbucks
L,T,W,T | 9 a. m. – 3 p. m.
226 N Helena St
Anaheim, CA 92805
en el club ebell
1er y 3er miércoles de cada mes |
9:30 a. m. – 3 p. m.
Horizon Pregnancy Clinic is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that is free for everyone, regardless of financial circumstances. We exist to provide accurate medical information and support to women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy. We do not perform nor refer for abortions.
Clínica de Embarazo Horizon © 2024. Todos los DERECHOS RESERVADOS.